همونطور که در پستهای قبلی من خوندید مجله
RollingStone مقاله ای تحت عنوان
Chester's New SoloAlbum داد که اون متن رو دوباره بصورت ویرایش شده برای کسانی که موفق به خوندنش نشدن چاپ کرد:
With Linkin Park in the early stages of writing the follow-up to 2003's blockbuster Meteora, frontman Chester Bennington is readying his solo debut. "We took Nineties rock, mixed it with Eighties pop like Depeche Mode, the Cure and Bauhaus and smashed them together," says Bennington. "It's f***in' driving beats and walls of guitars."
Songs like "Morning After" and "Walking in Circles" are in the can, and Bennington is especially psyched about a new song, which a friend says "sounds like T. Rex." Linkin Park hope to preview new material on the road next summer. Meteora sold more than 10 million copies worldwide, and the band's most recent release, last December's mash-up album with rapper Jay-Z, Collision Course, debuted at the top of the chart.
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Fort Minor at Pukkelpop Festival دیشب اجرا شد٬ که شما میتونید این کنسرت رو از
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